Mobile phone number locating and searching query and tracking system

An online GPS mobile tracking and mobile phone number positioning query system provides parents with professional mobile phone use behavior supervision scheme, and is committed to providing a safe, healthy and controllable mobile phone use environment for minors.

Help you find the ultimate solution for lost mobile devices, lost friends or family members. Snooping the GPS location, call record, SMS, wechat message, Facebook, etc. of any phone number.

phones location found
Any phone model

Compatible with any cell phone model, of any brand

Supports all networks

Works with all mobile network operators: trace phone number of anyone you’d like

Totally anonymous

Geolocation is requested anonymously: you won’t be identified

No installation required

There is no need to download software: track their location by phone number

One click and zero effort to find anyone’s location across the globe

  • GEOkh determines the location of any phone no matter where it is

  • You’re welcome to adjust the message for the recipient as you wish

  • Receive detailed location on the map

  • There is no phone number that GEOkh can’t trace

  • Unlimited geo-location requests enabled


How it works:

1. You chose the SMS to be sent
2. Device owner receives IT with link
3. Device owner shares target phone`s location
4. You see person`s location in the User Space